Let’s Make 2017 Your Most Abundant Year Yet!
Here we are coming up to the end of another year and the beginning of a new one.
Thinking about that a couple of weeks ago I realised I wanted to do everything I could to make 2017 truly a year of abundance, especially for my business.
Not that I haven’t experienced abundance in many ways this year, but a lot of that abundance has been in terms of learning and not as much as I would like in terms of financial profitability.
So I decided to really focus on abundance and to challenge myself to get ready for that in a systematic way.
And because I get much more enjoyment and traction out of doing challenges with others than just solo, and I like fast challenges and i find with 15 minute daily exercises I get things done (30 day challenges exhaust me!), I created the Focus on Abundance 5 Day Challenge, to start Monday December 5.
The content for the challenge came from a survey in my Facebook group and on my page and discovering that many of us had the same struggles.
The Focus on Abundance FREE 5 Day Challenge will help you – and me – get the clarity, focus and momentum for us to create our wildly abundant 2017.
Here’s how it will work.
Every day we will look at a specific aspect of the challenge. I’ll send an email on the day, with a theme and an exercise you can do in15 minutes or less, then I’ll be doing a live training on Facebook Live, with Q&A. That will be recorded and available for 24 hours afterwards – so if you can’t make the live session you will be able to watch the recording.
There is also a private Facebook Group where you’ll be able to ask me questions and get support from me and other participants.
So what are the specific areas we’ll be working on?
We’ll start by helping you get very clear on your intention for what you are going to focus on for abundance in 2017.
Out of all the possibilities what’s the one area where you most want to see abundance in your life and or your business?
- It might be relationships
- it might be health
- it might be business
- it might be money
- it might be personal growth
- it might be spirituality
- it might be fun and recreation
- it might be contribution
Then we get down to the nitty gritty of what’s holding you back and how to deal with that. I call them abundance blocks – and one of the main culprits there is often (always?) our limiting beliefs. I have a foolproof, works-every-time exercise to help you deal with those!
Next I am going to take you through an exercise to help you refocus whenever you lose focus and get off track.
Finally, on the fifth day we bring it all together and we create a powerful vision for your wildly abundant year.
I’ll be with you every step of the way, with daily training and and live Facebook sessions and Q& A and a private Facebook group which will include others taking the challenge, so we can all support one another on this journey.
How does that sound?
Does it look like a good way to go?
Does it feel right for where you are right now and where you want to be in 2017?
If so, come join us.
We’re going to rock this.
I’d love to have you come along for the ride!
Are you excited?
I am
So join us here
All my love

Suzie your statement that abundance blocks and limiting beliefs keep us from reaching our goals is so right on. They are best friends but don’t invite them to your Abundance Party. As always great article.
Thanks Kathleen, love how you have put this They are best friends but don’t invite them to your Abundance Party. Thanks for your wisdom xx
What we focus on amplifies and I love the idea of a 5 day Abundance Challenge, Suzie. What a lovely gift for your Tribe!
Vatsala love that: what we focus on amplifies thanks for sharing your wisdom 🙂 xx
Sounds like a lovely challenge, Suzie, especially as is coming from your own desires and the feedback you received from people in your tribe. As I am just finishing a 7-week, 3-day a week social art intensive, I am actually looking forward to taking December to digest the work I’ve just done, so am staying away from taking on new (even if they are short) challenges. I know you’ll have the perfect group of people in your 5-day abundance challenge and will share it as well! Have fun and may abundance flow to you… xo
Beverley thank you- the social art Intensive sounds wonderful you have peaked my interest I love your picture for me and I am off to embed that- thanks for sharing xxx
Hi, Suzie
Sound like a energy filled program. It is a good idea to remove the “old junks” in our life at the end of the year and learn how to enrich the new year with new stuffs.
Have signed in and ready for it.
Have a nice weekend!
Stella Chiu
Stella I am excited that you are here for the challenge- yes it will be a fun filled energy program. wishing you a relaxing fun filled weekend too xx
Hi Suzie,
Sounds fun, I joined the challenge! I can’t wait for the foolproof abundance block release, I’m ready for more abundance.
Vanessa welcome to the Heart whisper community love it I look forward to sharing the tools and the challenge with you xx
What a terrific challenge Suzie! I’m actually going to be launching a course next week with a similar theme that will serve as an introduction to something BIGGER in 2017. I’m thinking there will be a lot of abundance coming our way next year! Wishing you all the best on your challenge!
Thanks Marty I love we are on a similar path. Yes to a lot of abundance coming our way in 2017 Excited to know more about your course and thank you for always adding to the conversation here xxx
This sounds anazing Suzie! I know a lot of people will be greatly served with this Challenge xo
Thanks April, feel free to share this link if you know people who would benefit- thanks http:suziecheel.com/foa xx
Sounds wonderful Suzie…I know your exuberance and joy of life will make it an awesome success. 🙂
Thanks Elle i love the confidence you have in me xx
Sounds like a wonderful program, Suzie. I love your creativity and helpful ideas!
Hi Cathy, thank youI would love to have you cheery self in there too- 🙂 xx
Thank you Peggy will be wonderful to have your energy there xxx
[Trying one more time to comment, don’t know what’s going on today! Feel free to delete duplicates if there are any.]
I joined in, it will be fun to be in your abundance challenge while I’m leading the Priestess Your Brand — Learn the Who, What, and Why of your conscious business — UnChallenge in my group.
Yes there was another comment from your SK email you may not have used here before 🙂 Will be wonderful and I will check out your challenge, although I might be all branded out, think I am already in the group 🙂 xx
Oh yeah, it must have gone through from the other email address; okay to ignore it.
I think the Priestess Your Brand UnChallenge will only help you refine your branding (we’re never really finished with that exercise, are we?). Hope you’ll join in; the link is right there in the group; can also be found by clicking this “recently posted…” link.
I will although- after this year I feel this last move was the refining point for now- Off to check it out 🙂 xx
Sounds like a fun and timely challenge Suzie! A great way to set the stage for an amazing 2017!
Hi Pamela look forward to sharing your setting the stage with you xx
This looks fun and fulfilling! I agree, short challenges are much better than 30-day programs.
Yes Sandra I look back on my blog an I have 30 and 21 day challenges and the I did my 365 personal painting challenge. I am finding that with 5 day challenges I move forward , Hav wonderful retreat xx
Sounds like fun! Count me in!
Barb love that you will be along for the challenge and yes fun it will be want it to be playful xx
Sounds quite lovely. Its so great to see you beaming. Xoxo
Thanks Natasha yes I am excited about sharing this thank you xx
What an awesome challenge Suzie! Count me in 🙂