Are You Good At Manifesting Quickly?
Recently I have been surprising myself and manifesting FAST!
On Saturday morning after I had drawn my Archangel Michael card for the morning: which was “You have created this situation and you have the power to change it!” I heard it would be good to have a new deck of oracle cards, it has been a while since I bought a new deck. I thought I’ll have a look online later today and then went about my journaling and meditation. I let it go! I allowed 🙂
We went to the Tweed Heads Hospital Fete early on Saturday the morning, we have discovered in the past that it you arrive after the 7.30 door opening time, lots of the homemade goodies have gone.
Going to the fete, as well as donating goods to sell is part of my giving back to this wonderful service that was so instrumental in saving my life 3 years ago. In the past I have found amazing items for $2. Today you could fill a bag from one table for $2. Yes I did and we got 6 blue chinese rice bowls in perfect condition, 2 new breakfast bowls, a bright colored mug and 5 solid crystal water glasses. Such Abundance
When I was buying heart necklaces for my great nieces for Xmas I spied a card deck: Wisdom of The Hidden Realms from Collette Baron Reid for $2. I shared my story with the volunteer who was serving and I showed Des and told him what I had heard my heart whispering this morning. it was happy dance time.
The set is brand spanking new 🙂 I was delighted and I am just loving how by listening to my heart and following my intuition things are shifting. T . Fetes are such wonderful places, and the hospital one always brings such wonderful memories back of my mother and all the baking, bottling, sewing and knitting she did for so many fetes and also for the Hospital auxillary in Canberra.
To become good manifestors, we must believe in our desires. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “You’ll see it when I believe it.” Have you read the book?
Not always easy? I know 🙂 Make sure you are part of the community to be notified of some free oracle Card readings later this week.
Do you believe?
What have you manifested this week?
with love and gratitude
from my ♡ to yours ♡

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
Follow me on Twitter @suziecheel Join the #heartwhisper conversation on Facebook andInstagram
Hi, true indeed that we all have the capacity to manifest what we truly want in life. open our hearts and abundance flows. Thanks for sharing.
Great story Suzie. It’s so important to remember that we do have power to manifest what we want….I needed to hear our words today…thanks so much! Fran
Hi Fran,
Yes as you say it is so important to remember. I know that since I have been focussed on my heart’s desires the manifesting has been very special xx
I love your story. I think it’s so special to have found these cards…and for 2$! You look so radiant reading your card…loved what it was saying. I don’t have cards…maybe I will look for some. This seems like a great way to hear guiding whispers!
Thanks Nathalie, Yes i am loving the cards. Your comment inspires me to get my Heart Whisper oracle deck complete. I am loving these ones though xx
Love this story Suzie. Trusting in the universe is very freeing. It can also be difficult, but when you see the messages manifest, it is wonderful.
Yes Kim it is and I am noticing the higher my vibes are the easier it is becoming, along with doing more visioning
Thank You
Suzie, I totally love this story. May there be many many more moments of synchronicity, and openness (so we can see the synchronicity!) for you, for me, for us all.
Equinox and New Moon blessings to you!
Yes Sue and too am planning many more moments of openness and synchronicity, thank you
Namaste xx
Talk about synchronicity – before reading your post today, I updated my Wise Introvert Facebook page with a post that is very unusual for me – an oracle card that I pulled this morning from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of Avalon! Go figure.
There are so many ways to tap into our wisdom and the abundance that surrounds us. You’re always an inspiration Suzie – thank you 🙂
Hi Marla,
That is wonderful, love the synchronicity, Don’t know the Wisdom of Avalon, loving the Wisdom of the hidden realms. Yes we just have to bepositive and open and the abundance does flow
Namaste xx
Hi Suzie! Beautiful story! <3 I really, really enjoyed this, because so many of the things you shared are very relevant for me right now. I'm teaching a course about Manifesting and Mindfulness in the coming weeks, and I always appreciate hearing such synchronicity stories. I've recently started learning Tarot as well and just got Doreen Virtue's latest Guardian Angel deck, which I really love! Feeling on the same wavelength 🙂 And I *love* that you are offering free oracle readings!
Hi Suzie! Congratulations on all of your wonderful manifesting! I painted all summer and now am getting the paintings ready to go to a big decorators’ show. They will be picked up soon by the man who has a room at the show—–I am convinced that every single painting will sell at the show! I am excited! I can just feel how I will feel when I get that call telling me that they want MORE paintings! Whoo Whoo!
Love to you!
Hi Jean,
How wonderful painting all summer sounds like heaven. I am there with you manifesting a sell out show. Have you got pictures somewhere?
Love To you Suzie xx
I am going to see if I can put them on FB——I am not very good with techie things but I am going to try to find someone who will teach me 🙂 🙂 I have about 17 paintings and have done several more since the photography session. I am STILL having fun, and since it is acrylic (an new medium for me) they dry in a heartbeat! I LOVE IT!!!! And the pick-up is next week!!! I will report back after the show! Thanks for being “right there with me!” Love and hugs!