On Sunday I was gifted a what was to be a FREE 20 minute Mediumship Reading from Angela Artemis whose blog Powered by Intuition one of my favorite weekly reads. Ande Waggener from the blog with the wonderful name of Up From Splat. (Ande say she’s on a journey from Splat to Spectacular.) interviewed Angela for her weekly Coregreen feature.
I listened to the interview and so much of what Angela said resonated for me so I put my hand up to win the reading and to my delight I got a message from Ande saying I had won, I was so excited. Angela is a psychic medium and master Tarot reader, and has been a intuitive, clairvoyant and on a spiritual quest since childhood.
Instead of the mediumship reading Angela gave me an intuitive reading. This was special. Angela’s reading was so insightful and reassured me that I really need to focus on one or two projects. I have too many things on the go and so many ideas. That morning on the beach I had said to Des that I was feeling back in overwhelm!
Angela commented that she sensed my mind doesn’t stop, even when I am sleeping.What came out for me was that I need to open to my creativity and get clarity about my next steps-and get FOCUS
Angela then said she was going to give me a prescription. I was excited and so surprised when she suggested that I go and get a kid’s coloring book. I said I didn’t need to get a coloring book as i had a room full of art materials that I wasn’t using. Prescription 1 was the first painting i completed, I have combined watercolor crayons, with acrylics. It was wonderful. I realzed how much I have missed feeding my creative self and how important it is.
I am now spending the first hour of the day painting and I will share this creative journey here and on facebook. I came off this call feeling very blessed as well as being reassured. What a reading with Angela did for me was to reassure me that the answers are inside and that a medium can allow one to become more trusting. The parting words from Angela was that my mind needs to relax and I know through painting it will be for me another form of meditation. I am interested to see what emerges as I progress through this prescription process and listen to and note what bubbles up.
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Day 1 Getting Focus Day 2-Heart and soul – Day 3 – Shine Your Light Day 4- Abundance Alchemy
Day 5- Committment Day 6- Day7-In the flow day 8 –Each Day Is Unique Day 9- Are You Afraid it is not good enough
Day10 -The Winds of Change Day11- Angel Whispers Day12 -The Valley of Fire Day13 – Monets Garden
Day14- Beyond our lines Day 15- Easter Mandala Day16- A love prescription Day17- Rainbow Day18- Blowing in the wind Day19- Blue and Green day 20- Memories Day21- Imagination in Action
Hi Suzie,
Thank you so much for sharing your intuitive reading with us. I resonate with the challenge of having a creative, active mind which can sometimes move into overwhelm. I love Angela’s prescription for you. It’s so generous to share all this with us. I’m sure it will spark others. I had an intuitive reading recently too and my prescription was also to draw and paint for my own healing path. I haven’t committed to doing this daily, but I’m going to take into account what you’ve said here about the 21 day approach and consider this. I’m loving the process too.
Hi Sandra,
That is my pleasure, I am excited that you were given a similar prescription, it was interesting when Angela suggested initially I get a coloring book, that didn’t resonate, but once i started with the crayons and paints it is like a veil has been lifted- my art was something I was going to comeback to later this year when i had a few others things complete!
let me know when you start 🙂
Love it, love it! All of it. I love the painting. I love the prescription. I love the exuberance that comes through this post!
I’m so thrilled that you found your way to my blog and listened to the interview and won the session with Angela! I can truly sense the ease and joy that you’ve received from that session in your words here.
Angela is for sure one very wise woman. It’s amazing how focused and on purpose we can get when we simplify it down to “do one thing that excites you.” I’ve found that when I move from one creative thing to the next, letting my enthusiasm just draw me from one thing to the next, I am so much more effective. But alas, I forget and easily get into that overwhelm place you talk about. So your experience with your prescription is a prescription for me too. I’m going to draw a cartoon today. 😉
Thanks for sharing this. And thanks so much for mentioning Up From Splat!!
Hi Ande,
Thanks for visiting and sharng your thoughts, I look forward to seeing the cartoon:) You just gave me another idea that as I spent yesterday creating a proper painting area rather than just having a tiny area that now I have got this set up why not when I feel the overwhelm setting in just head into that space and pick up a crayon or a paintbrush.
Yes this looks like the opening that will power me forward.
I love to see your creativity! I used to color and create collages as a meditative process. You remind me of how in touch I was with my inner self those days. I think I’ll pull out my materials again, too.
I look forward to seeing your progression on this heart and soul journey.
Dance. Move. Live!
Patty Rose
Hi Patty Rose,
I love that my heart and soul Journey- I will use that in Prescription. I have been resisting using this form of creativity and Angela’s gift was so timely and reinforced what others had been seeing that i needed to do and share
I love you tagline:)
You might want to try meditating before you do your hour of painting. Although each meditation is different it helps calm the mind and I find I am more focused. I enjoyed looking at your painting and look forward to seeing your progression.
Hi Peggy,
Thanks for the suggestion, I am alternating, some mornings I meditate first, others like today- afterwards
I like you idea too:)
Hi Suzie,
I love how prescription #1 turned out! It’s beautiful. It would be gorgeous framed. Glad you’re able to empty your mind while painting. I a “hunch” (LOL) this would work for you.
I’m also happy that you got so much out of our time together. It was such a pleasure for me. Glad you won!
Hi Angela,
I am so happy I won too and you have set me on an exciting journey- yes it is bringing up more ideas, if you can call that emptying your mind:) Seems like the creative side has welcomed your prescriptions
WOW! What a concept. I would tend to think of painting as a distraction as if you love it it would be easy to let that hour become two, then three and so on. This is a fascinating and unique idea and I look forward to seeing how it plays out for you. Please keep us posted.
Hi Columbia
Interesting comment, yes in the past for me that time would be extended- with this i now wake and have my table set up with crayons and paints at had and maybe now just spending 30-40 mins, sometimes it might be less, then I go meditate. I will be sharing the prescriptions here.
This is wonderful – how amazing starting everyday painting – I can’t wait to follow your journey.
I’m downloading your e-book and looking forward to reading it.
Thanks for sharing
Heather x
Hi Heather,
I love that you will follow my journey- have decided to share them here and it is a wonderful way to start the day
Hope you find the ebook useful
Suzie, great advice and creative solutions to common problems that we all face. I’m glad I found your site and look forward to reading more of your posts!
Welcome Tor,
I hope you continue to be inspired and ce creative in all that you do to,