Making Time For My Creative Soul
Last week I realised that I hadn’t picked up a paintbrush since I finished 21 Day Painting meditation challenge one month ago and then slacked off.
My creative soul was not getting it’s daily hit. When I do a challenge I just get up each morning and head to the studio and this gives me a great start to the day. I had started a new word art series with a consistent daily activity.
When I saw Jennifer Lee was joining Art Every Day 2014 (AEDM) last week, I decided to check it out. I discovered that Leah Piken Kolidas had been doing this each November since 2004. Leah started AEDM to keep herself accountable and I am doing the same. I love that I am making time for me and my creative soul. I am sharing mine each day on Instagram, so make sure you follow me there. maybe I will start posting here daily?
Here are my art every day for the first week. Day 1: Me Time
Day 2: Love the Magic that is you
Day 3: Change- back to my word art
Day4: Spring Love
Day 5: More Word art BOLD
Day 6: Heart Swirls and this week’s Heart Whisper
Day 7: Spiral heart
`What do you do daily to feed your creative soul?
with love and gratitude
from my ♡ to yours ♡

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
Follow me on Twitter @suziecheel Join the #heartwhisper conversation on Facebook and Instagram
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plus Your Weekly Heart Whisper Inspiration (click the image)
Thanks for this reminder of how important it is for us to be creative. I have been working so much the last 3 weeks that I am feeling a definite pull to allow myself to relax and create something. I love photography, painting and knitting. I’m going to pick up my latest project and get to it. It always feels so good! Thanks for the gentle nudge 🙂
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for sharing I hope that you pick up the knitting needles, the brush or the camera, It will open your heart and untap your inner being, your heart and soul will love you
Suzie xxoo
Creativity should be always expressed and fed, I’m sure if you leave it, it goes completely to waste to never come back. Thanks for inspiring us with this post 🙂
My pleasure Lily Lau, thanks for being here
I’ve told you this before, but I have to tell you again. LOVE your art. Or should I say (he)art? 🙂
Thanks Michelle,
thanks for making my heart sing and yes I like HeART too
Suzie xx
When I decided to write a book based on my coaching earlier this year, I found out how much I love to write non-fiction. Still don’t like the marketing part. I have so many ideas it was great to start getting them down. Now I find if I’m away from it too many days, I get a little cranky. I’m trying to be sure I carve out writing time every day even if it’s just editing or reviewing what I’ve written. It’s hard to be so disciplined though.
As always, I love your art and how you use it behind your quotes.
Hi Diane,
I get the marketing bit- something I have yet to love, although when I had my textile art biz I used to enjoy it. I find doing something that I love first thing makes it easier to embrace and maybe even come to love the things I often want to tear my hair out over.
I am writing every single morning…and practicing yoga. It’s making a huge difference since I decided to create space and time for me to take care of my soul in the morning. xxoo
Hi Peggy,
Yes so amazing how creating the space for you before maybe the world starts allows us to take care of our souls. Yes so often I find people not prepared to do that. you inpsire me xxooxx
I really need to make more time for my creative soul, I feel it dying inside slowly… as though a drain has been opened. It’s as though negative energy is cloaking me like a wraith, and I am burdened by it’s weight. I know what I need to do to allow the sunshine and joy to break through the inky night that is burdening me but the holiday seasons have brought with it some stressful busy times, and a family plagued by medical problems… any advice at all?
Hi Becca,
When we take just a little time for ourself it help release some of that negative energy. I know this might sound tough, but I have needed some tough love to get to where I am now. So often we have to release to make the shift.
What if you took some time in the quiet of the morning to meditate- you have some of my free meditations? What is your creative soul crying out for you to do? You can email me you replies
Namaste xx
Thanks for some inspiration. I went to school for fine arts and used to take painting and drawing classes just for fun – but sadly I haven’t done anything for years. Time to pick up a pencil and sketch.
Yes Sonja, that’s how i started again, when a psychic friend suggested I go and buy a coloring book etc and I said I had a room full of paints etc- and that’s how my whole new painting came about back in 2011 and then I used my art as a healing journey.
Get then our and get you creative juices flowing again xx
Suzie, I am so grateful to be connected with you, and your consistent inspirations.
Right now I am so focused on my health that I feel like my creative self is going a bit hungry. Reading this allows me to know that the flame may be lowered, but it hasn’t gone out.
You may think you’re writing for the masses, but I know that you’re writing for me! 🙂
Thanks Sue, your comment does make my heart sing. Well i might starting writing more for you.
I found that although my main job for those 3 years was to heal and i found that my creativity- my painting and sand writing was part of that healing process- maybe just give yourself 5 mins a day to doodle, draw, write with colured markers and see what your heart wants to tell you.
namaste Suzie xxoo
Suzie, I’m happy to report that things have changed. I have my first art journal going, I’ve started a mosaic piece, and I am picking up my long dormant second Spirit Doll. Art is in the house!
Thanks for your persistent inspiring stand for creativity.
Hi Suzie, great reminder to always take time to align, to breath, to mediate or do anything you need to allow who you really are.
Nice work!
Love, Live, Enjoy!
Hi Linda,
Thank you and yes ME TIME is something we need to carve time out for 🙂
Suzie xx
Suzie, I admire your creativity. It is a God’s given gift for you. I look forward seeing your other paintings, designs and the like.
Hi Lorii,
Thank you, I always smile when I hear that given I never got to do art at High School as I was told I couldn’t draw. There is more art coming and some courses too. Did you fill in the survey? thanks
What a wonderful gift Suzie and it’s so obvious that your work and creations reflect your creativity and highest life priorities. What a lovely way to start the day. Thank you!
Thanks Marty,
Yes I am accepting that my art is my gift and there will be more of it coming. Yes it is a lovely way to start the day and the past 2 days I have been getting up early to learn about using Instagram to promote my art so I have been painting before I go to bed, a new experience for me. xx
As a person who has a lot swirling around in my head at any given time, I appreciate the reminder of the Chagall quote you shared, thank you.
My creativity doesn’t include a paintbrush – instead I take photos (with my phone not to over-complicate things or to trick my mind into thinking that I’m trying to be professional about it and get all self-critical creating blocks) and use them to create my image quotes. It’s where my heart and mind and intention come together.
Hi Marla,
yes love the Chagall quote reminds me of the question I ask Are you living in your headland or your heartland?
We are all creative and express it in many different ways, sounds like you have yours tapped in 🙂 xx