Interview with Jane Duncan Rogers
My security does not depend on what I have in the bank ~ Jane Duncan Rogers
This week I spoke with Jane about her fascinating life the highs and the lows, her business Wild Wisdom and her new money program the Radical Income Welcome Tool Kit.
We met through Leonie Dawson’s Amazing Biz and Life Academy and we discovered we share many similar life experiences.
Jane has faced many challenges in her life from losing her husband, faced bankruptcy after losing money, changing careers and more.
Enjoy our conversation and share your takeaways in the comments.
Get Your Special Offer Radical Income Welcome Kit here
Words of Wisdom from Jane
Wild wisdom encapsulates the courage that comes when you go within and listen from a different place
Do you welcome all the income that comes into your life? CLICK TO TWEET please
Are you a walking being of love?
How well are you able to receive money, love, relationships?
Ask your business/situation what it wants to do next?
Dare to do business differently
Dare to live differently
Stop, be still, listen and then act- Jane’s mantra

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More Joy ♥ More Love ♥ More Abundance ♥ ♥♥”
Powerful mantra…it really does shift our whole perspective and essence.. to come from heart & soul, not mind.. from here we can make choices that are in alignment with our higher self, with what we truly desire, thanks for this Suzie & Jane and for the lovely free gifts, much appreciated, this is my year to welcome abundant abundance into my life 🙂 <3
Love this video Suzie. The energy between you two is great.
The mantra jane talks about is so good. There are a lot of messages out in this big world to do that but somehow someone laying it down in that order makes a great shift.
Stop (everything physical, emotional, thinking etc)… Be Still… Really Listen (not with just your ears but your heart) Then and only then ACT. Jane’s words about Heart whispers really sunk deep into my own heart. I agree it is a totally different energy produced from making decisions this way!
Thanks for sharing this 😉
Lovely to read these comments everyone! Glad you all responded to the mantra – it takes huge courage to apply this mantra in a society that is focused on rushing, doing everything fast, ‘getting there’ (where???) and forgetting to simply stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes. Lovely to know it is being spread further afield 🙂 Many blessings on you all today! xxx
Hi Suzie – I love this interview with Jane. Gosh – it’s really good to know how many other courageous creatives are out there, rebranding, really paying attention to this voice because it always speaks the truth. I love this, “learn to be still and come from that place of stillness” rather than the place of analyzing and over-thinking.
I finally listened to my own wild wisdom and now I’ve never felt more freer, more wild, more uninhibited to give way to my own inner creative.
Peggy welcome to the Heart whisper tribe, delighted to meet you and your inspiration. I love you have listened to your own wild wisdom and what is has gifted and birthed in you.
Yes over analysing stops us shining
“Stop, be still, and listen.” I love that mantra! Thank you Suzie for the inspiration! Great interview!
Thanks Victor yes it is a great Mantra 🙂
Truly inspiring Suzie – but that’s something I’ve come to expect from you. 🙂
Hi Marty,
Thank you – that makes my heart sing:)
love and abundance
Suzie xx
Love Jane’s mantra – Stop, be still, listen and then act. I have a hard time with the be still part. But the universe will speak to you if you listen.
Hi Kim,
So true about being still, it’s when ones heart whispers come through
Suzie xx