Update: A Week of Hard Work and Progress 🙂
It Wasn’t An Easy Week
Why do I feel things can magically change overnight?
This is My Promised Update:
(In case you you don’t know what I am updating head here first)
Here is what I am doing now with getting my brand sorted out to be fully productive and very profitable.This week has been very productive. Having a clear focus each day and meeting with my accountability partner has been great. He can see when I am slipping back onto my previous path, where I end up going in 10 different directions and little is achieved.
I am working through the marketing and branding course and have a video or two to watch each day and then homework to do 5 days a week. Then it’s time to share in the group before I go to sleep.
“It’s hard work”, I have heard myself saying several times this week. But some of the program has been fun, especially playing with the graphics. I love the graphical challenges of branding. I got to work on a new logo.
Here is a peek at the new Suzie Cheel logo.
Some Things Take Time
I realised that subconsciously I thought that I could make money quickly with this program. Reality: I am laying the foundation for longer term success. I went back to my accountability partner. I realised I had to focus now on generating income as a priority, while still doing the branding course,
We created a 5 step process for generating income now.. This is framed as 5 questions that need to be answered.
- What am I going to sell next week? (Make a list of all the possibilities)
- Where am I going to sell?
- What can I do to promote?
- How much do I plan to make?
- Am I ready now?
I like this because it is simple
Here are my responses
- My list for what I have to sell: : Heart Whisper Oracle Cards, Paintings, Print on Demand items, silk scarves, art quilts, Heart Whisper Readings. Clarity Coaching, my updated book Emergings: A meditation on the emotions of change- note to self read, you wrote this at a time of transition.
- What I am going to sell:On my website, on facebook, set up my art shopify site, Red Bubble and promote. email my list, Special on readings.
- Where will I promote: Facebook Ads, Periscope, Blab, Pinterest, Instagram
- How much? $1000
- Am I ready now? NO
So yes I now have refine this plan and tease out the details.
I will need to check in with my Heart Whispers as i plan to ensure I keep going.This was the card I drew today and one of my words for 2016
Would you like to play?
Maybe you would like to try this process and share how it works for you.
all my love
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥MoreCOLOR ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ AND TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE. ♥
Get you own set of Heart Whisper Oracle cards here
Your logo is very colorful and cheerful 🙂 I bet that is your personality coming out.
I like the 5 focusing questions. Our mind will always provide answers to the questions we’ll present to it, and when they are aligned with our desires there is a better chance we’ll take the necessary action to take us where we wish to go.
Infinite Blessings,
Sigal Zoldan, From Pain To Freedom
Welcome Sigal, Thank you for your positive comment, Ys i think I am allowing my personality to come out. Yes when we are aligned to our passion the action we take will move us forward, thank for your wisdom Namaste
Suzie xx
Hi Robin, Welcome and thank you, yes I love my cards too 🙂 I am finding sharing the process keeps me accountable too and love that it is inspiring others as well xxoo
Beautiful deck and offering! Great plan. Accountability partners are so huge to a successful and sustainable business and balance in your life. So excited for you!
Hi Lisa and welcome. Yes I have to say this accountability partner is certainly making a difference for me and I can see the project making a big difference to my bix xxoo
That new logo is SO YOU Suzie! Perfect, full of love, life and color 🙂
I really really really need to start using your 5 step process.
Thank you for sharing.
Much Love,
Thanks Zeenat Love that ” full of love, life and color” look forward to seeing your 5 step process, Love Suzie xxoo
Love, love, lover your new logo – the blue is so vibrant and alive! I love your honesty as you share your marketing and branding journey.
Thanks Peggy, yes seems like the logo is a winner. After almost 2 weeks I am enjoying the journey, been a few “what the hell am I doing, it’s all good and love that my honesty is in inspiring others. xxoo
Thank you for your courage and for putting yourself out there Suzie. It takes ‘massaging’ our message as we step outside the comfort zone and ptry different ways of marketing our services and messages. Bravo!!
Thank you, listening to you on blab as I reply, yes I am stepping outside my comfort zone and so true about asking, I like that massaging our message. ?
Bold! One of my words for 2016 as well! Suzie, I love your dedication, your new logo and all your wonderful heart centered offerings. As entrepreneurs we often work in a bubble and it’s so inspiring to read about your experience and how you’re moving forward with a solid plan and your accountability partner. I look forward to reading about how your business explodes this year! Thank you for sharing your process. xo
Hi Pamela, thank for dropping by and sharing you thoughts yes we do work in a bubble and I have been doing it too often so I am embracing my word and being bold. There are shifts already which is great. ?
Thank you for sharing your honest and courageous journey, what an inspiration. I love your new logo, full of light and wonderful energy, just like you. xoxo
I really appreciate your comment Rachel it feels good to have captured my essence ?
Good post, my friend. I appreciate your honesty and transparency — I think both shine through in your art. I also really “clicked” (pun intended) with your headline: achieving simplicity *is* a challenge. Thank you for sharing your process with us. Shine on, beauty. xoxo
Thank you Andrea, I love that you think that my art reflects my letting it all hang out and me true to how I am being and feeling.Yes the KISS is a daily challenge for me. ?
New branding! New marketing! You know these are right up my alley! =) I am so happy for you – love the new logo. Enjoy the process. xoxo
Hi Jill, yes and loved your post today as I am implementing what you recommended, as yesterday that worked for me with a discovery session yesterday. The process has it’s highs and lows and really having to listen to the whispers of my heart, Thank you ?
So excited for your new brand and supporting you with ll my heart. You have so many inspiring offerings and can’t wait to see how it all comes together. Blessings
Thank you Deb I can feel your love and I really appreciate you. I am also inspiring myself about how this is coming together as it keeps changing, there’s a sense of transition and the old becoming new again ?
Thanks for sharing this insight into your journey Suzie. Your honesty is helpful for the rest of us also on entrepreneurial journeys, that we often face similar challenges <3
Thank you Ellen love that i inspire and help xxoo
What a wonderful space you are occupying Suzie, determined, forcused and still allowing time for creativity to blossom. And your new logo is awesome – bright and shiny – a true representation of you and your gifts. 🙂
Thank you Elle, right now I am am finding it very challenging s I know there is more letting go to do 🙂 Thanks for your wonderful comment about my logo. I feel this is reflecting who I am becoming. Sometimes I wish i had fewer gifts- not really, just would be simpler.
Love your new logo, Suzie! Lots of energy and vibrancy. It takes patience but laying the groundwork and having a plan will make all the difference. You’ll know why you’re spending the right time on certain activities and also what to eliminate becasue it doesn’t fit your plan. You’ll get there!
Thank you Diane, Great when you finally get it 🙂 Yes I will get there and what you are saying is so true xxoo
Love hearing about your journey. It sounds so familiar. Long term goals vs immediate ones. Survival is good. Sounds like you have a great accountability partner.
Thanks Roslyn, yes the accountability partner is making the difference. I have to follow through this time. and complete, so good at trying to juggle so many different thoughts, colors and projects that land up with a pile of incompletions xxoo
Oooooo! That new logo is so juice and vibrant! Love it! It sings! Marvelous reading about your process and progress! Sending love and energy!!! Hugs!
Elsie love that the new logo you think is juicy and it sings. Sending love and healing hugs back to you xxoo
Amazing new logo, Suzie! And I love the tweet-able headings in your blog! GREAT idea! I’ve tweeted and pinned.
This business of up-leveling our business requires patience with ourselves, persistence and dedication to keep moving forward and upward and a belief that it will all be so worth it when we get to the next level! I’m on the same journey, Suzie … we’re “journey-mates” <3
Hi Maria
Thanks great to read your comment on my logo. Yes Click to tweet is a good plugin. Love that we are Journey-Mates. Look forward to see your uplevel. yes patience is a great virtue xxoo
Fabulous progress… Keep up the great work and keep us posted.
Thank you Betty, I am planning on this weekly post as it seems to be helping others xxo
Gorgeous new logo, Suzie! We’re on similar paths once again, sister. Glad to know I’m not alone fanning the flames of a rebrand. My logo is done! Naming is concepted. Now to get some writing done — embracing the words for a new Home and About pages first.
Scary, but I’m so comforted with my decision to write less less less! Which, now that I think of it, might not in fact be any easier. But I’m going to stick with the idea that it will be effortless!
Thanks Sue, yes this is going to be the rebrand that stays with me for many years-I have changed to often on a whim- this is going to be a solid change that i wont be changing again . This week I start on the new copy. I think seeing it as effortless is important Love suzie xxoo
Wow, I’m impressed with your dedication Suzie! And, you are so right, it IS not only hard work, it’s oh so easy to slip back into old patterns. I noticed one myself just yesterday. I launched a small collection of motivational products a couple of months ago. But I didn’t have time to work on the designs the way I wanted to so the store is still operational but I stopped advertising it on my site until I could “perfect” the designs. Well of course, busy, busy me hasn’t even looked at them but here’s what I noticed yesterday – they are selling without me doing anything which is a miracle considering no advertising or promotion and a gazillion other products on the same site! And that’s when it hit me, I’ve allowed that perfectionist tendency to slip in the backdoor once again! It’s a process isn’t it? Thanks so much for sharing your journey and inspiration. 🙂
Marty Yes i relate closely to what you are saying, and it has been really good on the breakthroughs and clarity that has come through the hard work. it is amazing how we think it has to be perfect for us to move forward. Yes it is a process. Good luck with getting those products. Where is your store? xxoo