Thank you to everyone for your feedback on the Heart Whisper: Help Me Get To Know You Better survey. If you missed it I have left it open and you can add your feedback. I will send you the gratitude meditation if you leave your email.
Drumroll: The Winner of The Heart Whisper Coaching Session is the bold Tess Marshall.
The results of the survey have given me so much more insight into who you are, what your loves are and what keeps you awake at night and that will give me blog post topics for the next year or more. As expected you are creatives,
One thing the survey confirmed for me was that you want more art, abundance, creativity and self-love along with inspiration.
Then the products you would like have me creating new products. If you are wondering what the other might be: Kundalini yoga and Daily Meditation. The daily mediation is interesting as I have thought of doing a daily heart whisper message that could be a meditation.
The first things that I will be working on are the oracle cards, heart whisper card readings, the online art gallery, and then a Creative Challenge.
The most exciting thing right now for me is the new tagline that has been born that came from a coaching session with Leonie Dawson, being part of her Amazing Biz and Life Academy is such a gift, I am glad I gave to myself 2 years ago. Leonie does over deliver and she is a wild soul too.
On the call I got to share what was coming up from this survey. I was feeling that although I love the heart whisper tagline I have my heart knew there was something missing. Leonie suggested Creativity, Abundance and Self-Love for Wise Souls and then said what about Wild Souls and my heart said, YES. I love the whole idea. my sense of sometimes order had abundance first. I also talked about bring back the Abundance Queen. Leonie got excited and another friend got goosebumps at the mention of this. Yes I am going to embrace being the Abundance Queen.
What is Abundance, Creativity and Self-Love for Wild Souls? Do you think you are a wild soul? Well you can be both a wise and a wild soul. It is our wisdom that allows that free spirit to be wild. Do I see myself as a wild? Yes and this new tagline will allow me to more fully embrace living more fully with passion. Wild maybe = Passion. Three days after my call with Leonie, my hairdresser Rachel went wild with my hair- with my permission! Now there was abundance: Rachel was having a birthday special and i got a trim and 8 foils for $30!
When we see and embrace the abundance that we have, untap our creativity then we open up our self-love channel. This allows love to flow which creates inner peace, and one by one we can create the ripples of change that will bring freedom for you and those you touch. We start to do this by learning to listen to the whispers of our heart.
I hear some of you crying: BUT, I am not creative! Yes we do all have a creative path and it isn’t just about art, or drawing. etc. I think cooking is creative and it gives me so much joy, feeds my soul and makes Des very happy and keeps us both healthy. My friends who come for lunch love eating some of what they might have seen on facebook. There are so many ways to be creative. Remember, I was the schoolgirl at twelve who was told, because I couldn’t draw, I couldn’t take art!
Lunch with Amy.
So there is change coming in all directions for me right now. As I write this I am in the middle of packing to move to a new home, and I am having to pace myself! Still a challenge when there is so much to do. I am listening to my body as a 2 hour session of garage sorting and clearing had me back on the lounge with a heat pad. Life is one continuous growing changing experience.
This quote summed up part of how I was feeling about the current changes here on my blog. I felt like I had come a full circle from my first blog The Abundance Highway, yet seeing it with totally fresh eyes.
Thank you again for all the wise and wild souls who took the time to fill in the survey, I am looking forward to working with and continuing to inspire you in 2015. Your gratitude meditation will be in your inbox tomorrow.
Ready to change in 2015? Shine your life and let your best shine. Join me and get your special planner to support your life and/or biz growth.
with love and gratitude
from my ♡ to yours ♡

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
Follow me on Twitter @suziecheel Join the #heartwhisper conversation on Facebook and Instagram
Hi, a very informative survey, Thanks for always sharing positive vibes with your readers like me. Go for this great change.
Congratulations on your new clarity and your commitment to move in the direction of your inspiration Suzie! Your passion leaps off the screen and I’m so excited for you. Wise AND Wild – love it!
Hi Marla,
Thanks, you comments have me jumping for joy- it is so good that others are excited too
namaste xx
Suzie, I LOVE your new tagline. It fits your picture perfectly!
Diane, That is wonderful, thank you It is feeling good xx
I love reader surveys. They are always so informative. Well how fun is this a new tagline and hints at the return of the Abundance Queen! I feel such a strong, positive energy in your new changes. May these changes unfold in the most wonderful way.
Sandra yes I am going to do more surveys. Great you like my new tagline and today I am thinking I will full embrace the Abundance Queen.
I love that you feel the energy shift and with the current house move I think I will sustain this. Thank you for your energy and positive comment
love Suzie xx
What great feedback on your survey Suzie! Sounds like you have some exciting projects planned and I look forward to following your progress!
Hi Marty, Yes the feedback was great, so happy I reached out, much easier to do again. I now feel I have the clarity and direction that you mentioned a few posts ago.
Thanks for your support I appreciate it.
Suzie xx
Suzie, Wow, I don’t remember you mentioning that you couldn’t take art classes because some teacher thought you couldn’t draw. Thank you thank you for telling me this. There’s still that scared girl in me who thinks she’s not good enough to create. Your words are so healing!
Blessed be, and blessings on your move.
Hi Sue,
You comment has my heart smiling: “Your words are so healing!” thank you.
Creativity comes in so many ways, but it always seems to be the drawing and paintng that stop people. I have some great stories to share
Say I am good enough to create from the whispers of my heart 🙂
love and blessing to you, the move although quite taxing for me is exciting and long overdue
namaste Suzie xx
Hi Suzie, I *love* your new tag line!!! And it was cool to see your survey results and all the ideas you have brewing. I’m doing Doreen Virtue’s Angel Certification right now, so it was really timely for me to see you mention doing Angel Readings, and that people are really interested in receiving them. Your site looks beautiful! 🙂
Hi Christina,
Thank you, Thank You, Thank you….. Your comment made my heart sing when I opened my email. I did Doreen’s Angel Intuitive back 12 years ago and assisted on a training- love her cards and she is great to follow with what she is doing now.
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. xx